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Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
UFO-Mary: Holiday Cheer and Fear: Santa, St. Nicholas, Odin, Sinterklaas, and Krampus : Extraordinary Intelligence
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Virgin Mary ad creates controversy | Weird | News | Toronto Sun
Mary holds the pee stick and is ... well, you decide. Meanwhile, the ad has offended a lot of people, amused others. As is the way with religious stuff.
Rael Against the Machine: UFO Cult Leader Gains Political Asylum | Who Forted? Magazine
Rael Against the Machine: UFO Cult Leader Gains Political Asylum | Who Forted? Magazine
Negar Azizmoradi, leader of the Iranian branch of the International Raelian Movement, has been granted asylum status in the United States after facing persecuting in her home country.For those of you unfamiliar with the Raelian Church, they’re the pro-orgy UFO cult started by a French race car driver who believes Jesus was a prophet contacted by the extraterrestrial race that seeded human on life on Earth. Nothing weird, or anything. There’s also that whole embarrassing incident when they claimed to have created the first human clone back in 2002 (they didn’t).
Azimoradi’s family received word that she was to be arrested after publicly stating her Raelian beliefs, an arrest that would most likely have amounted to a death sentence in Iran.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The 'C' Influence: Hear And Read Writers Of The C Influence In 2012
Monday, December 12, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Animal Forteana: UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: MUFON Reports Becoming Jaw Dropping - This Batch Includes A Dog Abduction
Animal Forteana: UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: MUFON Reports Becoming Jaw Dropping - This Batch Includes A Dog Abduction
Friday, December 9, 2011
Paratopia Episode 146: Jaime Fritze �
Saturness: Sometimes you'll give crappy readings...
Thursday, December 8, 2011
A Sorcerer's Corner: Carlos Castaneda's Doomed Romance with Knowledge | Reality Sandwich
Lesley: "Cult of Pet Haters!"
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
R.I.P. Anne McCaffrey, 1926 – 2011 | GeekDad |
I loved the Dragons of Pern books. Anne McCaffrey, thank you for your wondrous words through the years. Rest in peace.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Black Peter | YUFOLOGY
Growing up in a haunted house, you learn a few things. First, never open your eyes when you KNOW something is standing over you and, Second, never ever assume it's just your mom. I had run in's with that kind of stupidity. Thinking the lady in white standing by my window was my mom, or the vague outline of a dark mass standing at the foot of the bed was my mom. Not this time. I was hyper-aware that whatever was standing over me was radiating a malevolence that my mother did not possess.
I remember talking myself into breathing calmly. Into making the thing, whatever it was, believe that I was still asleep. I had succeeded because eventually the darkness was replaced with the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree. But whatever it was, it wasn't gone. Yet.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
On being a MILAB
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
StarworksUSA — Annual Women's UFO Symposium
First Annual Women’s UFO Symposium
The Women's UFO Symposium brings together leading women in UFO research, documentation and related information.
The first annual Symposium will be held at the Somervell County Expo Center and Texas Amphitheater in Glen Rose, Texas on May 19-20, 2012. The event will be hosted by Tracie Austin Peters, producer and host of "Let's Talk...Paranormal" radio and TV talk show.
Symposium admission includes all speaker presentations. A Meet & Greet with conference presenters will be held Friday evening, May 18, and a Texas Bar-B-Que will be held Saturday evening, May 19. Symposium registrants may purchase admission to these events separately. Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged.
Print and mail our Registration Form, with payment, today!
* Special Award to Angelia Joiner - This event is near the Stephenville, TX Sightings
* First Time Keynote Speech by Kim Arnold (Daughter of Kenneth Arnold)
* James Carman will screen his film THE HIDDEN HAND, winner of the 2011 EBE Film Festival Award for Best UFO Feature Film
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Canadian team draws heat for ‘Jack the Ripper’ nickname - Big League Stew - MLB�Blog - Yahoo! Sports
From the London Free Press:
Team president and general manager David Martin was unapologetic, saying the name, Rippers, is a common baseball term that speaks to the bat prowess of the cartoon character they've created as part of a marketing strategy.
"That (Jack The Ripper) is not our story," said Martin, when told about the reaction. "Ripping a ball is used in baseball all the time."
Martin said the character's name is Diamond Jack, a frustrated hockey player who found he could "rip" the cover off baseballs. Despite his talent, teams grew weary of the expense of replacing balls so Diamond Jack decided to form his own team in London, Ontario.
"It's Phantom of the Opera meets baseball. He's a mysterious character who is somewhat edgy," said Martin.
Say, you know who was also a "mysterious character" who was, uh, "somewhat edgy"? The actual Jack the Ripper. The guy murdered at least five streetwalkers in the Whitechapel District and though his identity has never been revealed, he is most often portrayed as wearing a black top hat and a long black coat.
You know, just like the outfit the guy in the London Rippers logo is wearing.
Friday, November 11, 2011
The Orange Orb: Crop Circle Dream Memory: Beep!
There's a large, beautiful and intricate crop circle. We're all amazed and wonder at how it came to be. It literally appeared, not over night, but over a few minutes. One moment we were looking over at the large field where there was no crop circle. Turned our attention elsewhere for a few moments. Turned back, and there, was the crop circle. Huge and intricate.
Then a group of skeptics come along. They're loud and arguing and demand that we listen to them. The crop circle is a fake! They shout at us. And to prove it was a fake made by man to fool us, they throw little pods of dirt on the crop circle. These pods, the debunkers smugly tell us, contain a chemical that "exposes" the fakery, and bright yellow squares will show up within the crop circle. The yellow squares are proof the circle is a fake. So they thrown the pods on the circle, and stand back, big stupid grins on their faces, waiting for the proof that will reveal how fake the crop circle is.
We wait and watch. At first, the yellow squares begin to pop up. The debunkers are overcome with joy. Ha! they say. But a few moments later, the yellow turns red, then other colors, then "over rides" the crop circle. In other words, the "proof" the skeptics have shown us hasn't proved a thing. In fact, the "real" crop circle takes over, obliterating the debunker pods.
The skeptics are mad and embarrassed. Most of all, they're baffled. Confused. They can't understand that the crop circles are real and have an as yet unexplained source that transcends prosaic explanations.
UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Boycott MUFON. Stop David�Jacobs.
Dr. David Jacobs (Dr. of history, not psychology) is set to speak about his new angle at L.A. MUFON on the 15th. Why MUFON is buying into this scam as legitimate research and valid I don't know. Of course, MUFON has been in decline as an organization for some time now. Its days of being solid are gone.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Class Act: Calif. MUFON and David Jacobs
Alright, this has to stop. MUFON LA is promoting a speaking engagement with David Jacobs. The title of his lecture--tellingly enough--is, "Abductees and their Involuntary Tasks." This is set to take place on Tuesday the 15th. Read all about it here:Steve Murillo, California State Section Director of MUFON, actually had the classless chutzpah to ask Emma Woods if she was a hybrid. Doesn't this astound anyone else out there?
Now, Steve Murillo is the section director for MUFON LA. He knows all about the Emma Woods case. In fact, she tried to warn him about Jacobs when he was previously scheduled to give a lecture entitled, “Hybrids: New Research into the Integration Program.”
She gave him a brief description of what had taken place between her, Jacobs, and Elizabeth along with links to her website and audio backing up her claims, to which he responded in email:
Your website has a ton of information to go through. It's going to take a while to go through it. Suffice it to say that your remarks here regarding Dr. Jacobs are duly noted. Forgive me if I seem obtuse, but are you a hybrid as well?
Steve Murillo
State Section Director
Clearly, this man is not a serious researcher and does not care. So who do we turn to? Is anyone above Steve Murillo? Do [i]they[/i] care? Well, Jeremy Vaeni wrote about him in the Woods/Jacobs cover story for [i]UFO Magazine[/i] and he's still got his job, so draw your own conclusion there.
What can we do, then?
I urge everyone to call or write to the Unitarian Church in which this is supposed to take place. Let them know who the man is they are welcoming into their fold.
That phone number is: (818) 769-5911
Their email address is:
Send them a link to Emma's website:
Tell them that this was the big shocker of the year in ufology and although they may be unfamiliar with the issue, it is unacceptable that this man be given a platform in their church!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Star Jelly
MYSTERIOUS goo, which inspired cult horror movie The Blob, is advancing across the English countryside.
Scientists are baffled by the piles of translucent jelly which has bewildered experts for hundreds of years.
Walkers have spotted it on the Yorkshire moors just days after it appeared in the Lake District.
The gloop is thought to be star jelly which according to folklore is deposits from a meteor shower and was first reported in the 14th century. Another theory is that it is the remains of frogs, toads or worms.
The Orange Orb: The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: The Pink Elephant and a Sample of Comments
The Orange Orb: The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: The Pink Elephant and a Sample of Comments
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Orange Orb: Oklahoma Earthquakes: Things to Come?
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
In Pursuit of my Inner Pin-up
Three-Eyed Fish Discovered Near Argentinian Nuclear Facility
Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween Celebrates Sex and Death
I love this: "Halloween is Christmas for Satanists." Oh, that's good! But if you don't like that one, there's this: "'Halloween is the Gay Christmas."
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Tina Sena: Pterosaurs at Roswell. I thought I'd never see the day... | YUFOLOGY
But just when you think there is nothing left to the Roswell mythos, someone comes up with something else.
Find out what that is at her blog YUFOLOGY.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Halloween Image of the Day
ATS Thread: "Exposing the evils of Wicca Witchcraft!,"
Monday, October 24, 2011
Piano Synchronicities
I posted the other day about possible spirit activity around here due to fixing up the house. Today I saw my cat Roswell walk into the bedroom. I then walked in the other direction, into the kitchen, and, there was Roswell! I saw a ghost cat! Cool!
Not so fast. Our other cat, Matisse, who I was convinced was outside, was the one who had walked into the bedroom He's gray (a Russian Blue) and Roswell is a tuxedo cat. When Matisse walked by, he looked jet black, not gray. He actually blends into the shadows very well, more so than Roswell, who's mainly black. Oh well.
On the other hand, I've been having interesting things happen around my psychic intuitiveness; getting back into doing readings with some positive and surprising things happening because of that. Doing so has opened up all kinds of things on many levels. This afternoon an abrupt tiredness came over me, I could barely stand up, I was so inexplicably fatigued. I go into the bedroom to take a nap. Afternoon naps are always strange; I have the weirdest, and most psychic kind, of dreams, and it is very hard for me to wake up from them. I have to force myself to move, to get up, and it takes me a long time to shake myself out of it. So my dream involved a lot of what I'd call French-movie-surrealism but one thing:
I dreamt I was in charge of facilitating a chamber orchestra. I myself wasn't a musician, but I was responsible for everything surrounding their playing; setting up their appearances, making sure everything was set up just so, etc. I go inside to the small privately owned, very rich estate where the orchestra has been hired to play. No one around, including the musicians, it's too early. I sit down at the piano, which I don't know how to play. Wish i could though. I remove a silk cover that is protecting the keyboards. I know I don't remove it quite properly; it's still showing, but it works. I think to myself, well, this is stupid, I don't know how to play, but her It goes, and I start to bang away. I think: "I'll fake it, just go for it," and before I know it, I'm playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Not very well, but anyone hearing it would recognize it.
Lots more that I don't remember very well, including children and ghosts and not wanting to offend the snooty rich folk but I end up doing so anyway and when I/we do, it feels pretty good.
I wake up and turn on the radio right away, which is my habit. It's set to the classical station. And playing on the classical station, is Moonlight Sonata.
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Regan's mother, Seaside Oregon, circa 1929? |
Further synchronicity and messages; I usually talk with my mother every Sunday, but I haven't spoken with her for two weeks. The lack of communication had been on my mind. My mother was a concert pianist, playing when she was three years old and having recitals when she was not much older than that. When we were growing up, she played at the Steinway in our living room, and one of the pieces she always played was Moonlight Sonata. She would get kind of sick of it, for we'd always ask her to play that for us.
And yet one more: I had just finished proofing this, then sat back as my husband read me the latest installment in his novel series, described as "paranormal science fiction romance conspiracy." Indeed. Anyway, he's reading me a part about the main character and his mother; the mother asks her son to play Moonlight Sonata for her on the piano. ! I hadn't read or told my husband any of this beforehand.
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Piano Ghost by Regan Lee, abstract expressionism, acrylic on canvas, 2000? |
To close things here, last night, I had a dream about my childhood home, moving furniture -- particularly the piano, which sat in our living room (we weren't wealthy by any means, my mom worked "outside the home" but dammit, we had a piano!) -- while my mom remained outside, shouting to us her input. It was a happy dream, but I woke up a little distressed, wondering if this had something to do with my mother's health.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
From Ghost Hunting Theories: Might You Be a Psychic?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Ghost TV, Ghostly Experiences
Sunday, October 16, 2011
School principal bans Fall holidays because they are 'insensitive' | Mail Online
School principal bans Fall holidays because they are 'insensitive'
Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, Halloween banned in a Massachusetts elementary school:
She had already told staff not to let the kids dress up for Halloween, according to the Boston Herald.No mention of Christmas, but, being contrary here, I have to ask: what about Christmas being "problematic" because of its "connections" to Christianity/Catholics/the Vatican?
Superintendent Tony Pierantozzi told The Herald that Halloween is 'problematic' because of connections to witchcraft.
Lesley's Gray Matters: "Cursed or Just Plain Weird?
I go into the grocery and she is following me. I turn and look at her again and she looks in the other direction. I stop to pick up a cart and she is once again very near, like within a foot and mumbling in Spanish again. So I swing the cart around and leave quickly. My first stop is the produce section. I have pretty much totally forgotten about her and am concentrating on what I stopped there for. I stop to pick out some sort of veggie or fruit and there she is again! She is once again right at my ear, just inches away and mumbling in Spanish! Same thing as before - I turn around to ask her what the fuck she wants and she quickly turns and speeds away. By that point I am kind of freaked out by her and I grab my cart and race through the store to finish my shopping.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Happy Halloween! Two Witches on Mushrooms
Do you fancy a jelly baby made from human DNA? - Telegraph
Do you fancy a jelly baby made from human DNA? - Telegraph: Reports last week that researchers could be just six months away from producing the world’s first artificial meat, using thousands of stem cells bred in a laboratory, sent a wave of fascination around the world. Yet there is an even more ghoulish prospect ahead: the idea of eating artificial food made from humans.
This may sound like science fiction, yet a new technique for making gelatin from human DNA is attracting “increasing interest from research and industrial circles”, according to a new study by scientists from the Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The paper, published recently in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, revealed that successful experiments had been carried out in which human genes were inserted into a strain of yeast to “grow” large amounts of recombinant (genetically engineered) human gelatin.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
My coverage of Occupy Wall Street on The Gralien Report
Monday, October 10, 2011
Halloween Season!
Iran actress sentenced to one year in jail: report - Yahoo! News
Actress Marzieh Vafamehr has been sentenced to a year in jail and 90 lashes for her role in a film about the limits imposed on artists in the Islamic republic, an Iranian opposition website reported Sunday.
Iran actress sentenced to one year in jail and 90 lashes
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Remote Viewing Updates - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
From Kithra: "Slowing Down and Cutting Back"
The years have not been kind, and this week I reach my middle 60s which, on some days for me, often feels more like my middle 80s! Yes, I know we now have the expression that these days the 60s are the new 40s, but it doesn’t feel that way for me. My health has been in steady decline for the last decade or so, and with it my eyes are deteriorating more than is normal. In fact I have a problem with my left eye that makes it almost impossible to see clearly out of it now, and that will only get worse as there is no cure. I’m not going to bore you with all my medical symptoms, or the list of medication my doctor has prescribed. And yes, again, I know that many of you don’t take medication but prefer to rely on herbal and alternative remedies. Well, I’ve tried some of those in the past, and they don’t give me the relief that my prescription does, so I’m sticking with that.
Penguin Moons and Baby Elephants
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Making Sense of These Times - Worldview, Consciousness, Spirituality and Crop Circles
Sunday, September 11, 2011
UFO-Mary: Chris Cunnyngham: Rick Perry and the Satanic Statue of Liberty | Esoterica | Big Think
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Outsider/Folk Art: Patroness of Fallen Women
There is a breathtaking moment in the Gospel of Philip, one of the Gnostic gospels, which were denounced by the church as heresy. The apostles witness Jesus kissing Mary Magdalene on the mouth. The apostles are horrified, jealous. ''Why do you love her more than us?'' they ask. Jesus' response is mysterious and enigmatic. ''Why do I not love you like her?'' he says.
What is the meaning of those kisses? Sexual passion? A profound friendship? Jesus anointing Mary Magdalene as his successor and as leader of the church?
Traditionally, Mary Magdalene has been seen as a reformed harlot, portrayed in paintings as red haired and bare breasted. But as Karen L. King, the Winn professor of ecclesiastical history at Harvard University, in the Divinity School, points out in her new book, ''The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle,'' nowhere does the Bible say that she was a prostitute.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
READ THIS FAST!Speculative Realms: Mass Hypnotic Stupor: The MPD "JOKE" and the Paranormal Cult Stupidification of America
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
New Traditions, Day of the Dead, Pastor Mike Wants YOU!
Adam Gorightly's Untamed Dimensions Interview with Richelle and Regan
Back in 2008 Richelle and I guests on Adam Gorightly's Untamed Dimensions. It was great fun. So here it is for your listening pleasure.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Women Fighters In Reasonable Armor
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 - Hollywood Peddles Specific Occult Themes
Er, I can think of several things one is "trying to do" "by fucking"...["...not trying to have babies"]If people are not trying to have babies, by fucking, then what are they going to be trying to do?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Kithra's Krystal Kave: UFO passings and world news
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I Come From Circus Folk
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tina Sena: If it Walks like a Man, then it Must be an Ape with a Nice Haircut
"Some believe in aliens. Some believe in gods. I believe some high and mighty beings with a bad sense of direction and a bad case of boredom decided they wanted to be special. Perhaps they wanted to be as special as we once were. And how does the bully make him/herself special? They dominate and oppress the perceived weaker person."
Friday, August 12, 2011
Roseanne Conner (Barr) Joins The Infowar : Federal Jack
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Columns on Binnall of America
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Camera Glitch in Masonic Cemetery
The Orange Orb: Back to Conspiracy Park
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Psycho Bunny Deals With The Heat
Psycho Bunny Deals With The Heat
Sunday, July 24, 2011
On the L.O.W.F.I. Site: "Hum a Few Bars for Me" by David Andrew: Beeping Sounds
At the L.O.W.F.I. site, this guest article by David Andrew on the buzzing and humming sounds often heard by some abductees. I don't consider myself an abductee, as I often point out, for two reasons. One, I have no idea what the abduction phenomena is about and two, I don't have any specific conscious memories of the classic abduction scenario, even though I have had a lot of very strange experiences. As Jeremy Vaeni said to me once I've gone through "Abduction 101." (Missing time, strange dreams, obsessions, synchronicities, life time of UFO sightings, aliens...) Yet, I have heard these strange buzzings, clickings, hummings and electronic type sounds in my head many times during OOBEs and related experiences.
Andrew cites research done in this area of sound and brain wave patterns and writes:
Some abductees have reported humming or buzzing sounds just before certain abduction experiences. This made me wonder if these sounds might actually have a purpose that could be related to the abductee’s brain wave function. Could extraterrestrials be utilizing sound to affect abductee’s brain waves and, what would be the purpose in doing so? It seems quite evident that sound waves can affect brain waves.Andrew goes on to cite experiments done by the Department of Defense using sound to alter brain waves. While Andrew doesn't come out and say it -- and I don't know if this is his intent or not -- I wonder if he wasn't getting at MILABs. (Military Abductions.)
Either way, this pattern of hearing buzzing, beeping, humming sounds during sleep, OOBEs, abductions, etc. is something that is reported by some UFO witnesses, including myself.
These sounds are not heard by just abductees however. In some Bigfoot encounters and other high strangeness events witnesses report hearing these sounds. See Greg Taylor's Her Sweet Murmur, and my Beeping article for UFO Digest.
News From Elsewhere presented by The League of Western Fortean Intermediatists.
A page full of links to news and stories from Skylaire Alfvegren's amazing L.O.W.F.I. site. Have fun exploring!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Going Back A Bit In Time – Revisiting The Early Days Of UFOlogy And The Contactee Movement | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.
Though Tim Beckley believes his motivations should be seen as altruistic, to others they are controversial even appalling. There are still some purists in the field who believe that “contactee” is a dirty word. Yet all things considered, Beckley is doing the UFO community a huge service by reprinting hard to find books from the 1950s, books written by early UFO experiencers who were the first to claim contact with the aliens after the initial sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 that started it all.Going Back A Bit In Time – Revisiting The Early Days Of UFOlogy And The Contactee Movement | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Adam Gorightly’s Untamed Dimensions
Adam Gorightly’s Untamed Dimensions
Tina Sena: Esotericana
In An Imperfect Normal World. Tina discusses paranormal programming, and has a proposal:
Which is why I propose that Syfy, National Geographic and the History Channel (and others like BRAVO, etc.,.) seriously consider doing a paranormal show with a mostly, if not all, female cast. And I'm not talking about your average formulaic paranormal show. It has to be something that's never been done before: A show for women, with women and about women from different professional backgrounds, investigating the oldest, weirdest, most paranormally significant places on Earth.
I'm for that! One of my dreams is to start my own paranormal UFO network. Hmmm...
A few years ago, I think on the Lifetime channel, there was a show about female abductees. Had a cheesy title, something like "I was abducted by aliens!" but it wasn't bad, despite the shaky camera stuff.
Binnall of America: Lesley's Grey Matters
grey matters: "Always as I see it coming in the Stephen King story The Mist comes to mind, as does the Smoke Monster from Lost. I almost expect some horrible Lovecraftian-type creature to come slithering out of it and start devouring everything in sight. Meanwhile, I think that somewhere beneath that could be a fleet of UFOs and nobody would ever know."
Blog Find: Jennae's Thoughts on the Paranormal...and More
Her post "Beyond the Cutrian" which Nick linked to, discusses the idea of "monsters" coming from other dimensions. What's Jennae's conclusion? Read it and find out!
The Life of a Paranormal Writer | Lisa A. Shiel
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Reverse Speech
Some of you know what I think about Rense, but he's just the vehicle. Still an interesting segment.
Monday, July 18, 2011
A Few Comments:The Gold Standard ;-)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Blog Find: Invoking Mother Spirit
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Opening Up, Synchronicity
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Source: Free Images |
A big issue for me is distraction. Putting a label on it, like AADD helps in one sense; it's not "just me" and I'm not a big stupid lazy flake. Others may think so, and I don't blame them, but for myself (and a bit ironically) that acknowledgement of my life long struggle with things has actully helped me to focus. Acknowledged, named, owned, I now move on. It's not an excuse; in fact, since I've been dealing with this in various ways I've become less distracted. I look at it, say "screw off, AADD," and fight the good fight.
I'm going on about this because my path has been one of distraction. (I suppose "all who wander aren't lost" is a good motto to keep things positive.) So the past couple of weeks I, once again, have been focusing on meditating and the work in psychic/intuitive areas, including the use of oracles. Each time I go back to this work, immediate results come in, from OOBEs to precognition...the gates have opened, and a rush of energy comes through.
I used to wonder why moments of synchronicity are often trivial. Someone once told me that the fact they happen at all is far from trivial. Forget the message, that's just a nudge to get your attention. If the moments of synchronicity were hugely enlightening every time then we'd explode from all that brilliance.

This morning, as I'm sweeping the living room floor, I see a huge disgusting and scary insect crawling over a book. (I admit that it was "disgusting" because I was scared.) I don't know what it was exactly, at first I thought it was a cricket. Then maybe a wasp of some kind. I'm still not sure; I wasn't about to get a close look. I don't like killing things and will often take creatures out of the house, and I'm not one of those yahoos that stomp on bugs just because you can. But I did this morning. That bug was huge, ugly and creepy. It actually frightened me.
Finished with sweeping, I settle in to read the morning paper, starting with the comics. (The horrors of the day can wait two minutes.) I turn to one of my favorite comics, Mutts, and see this:
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Mutts Comic by Patrick McDonnell, |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Women on Trial for "Murdering" Their Babies
Mishap or Murder?There’s a trend across the US that has reached Mississippi. On June 8th, Rennie Gibbs’ murder trial was put off and will resume in August. She is charged with killing her unborn child. Not willfully, but murder nonetheless.
According to prosecutors, Ms. Gibbs was taking cocaine during her pregnancy. Even though the fetus’s premature delivery and death were not found to be caused directly by drug use. That bears repeating – the baby did not die from the cocaine. However, Ms. Gibbs use of cocaine during the pregnancy showed a “heartless disregard” for the consequences. And since the fetus died, murder charges are warranted.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Psycho Bunny Makes More Than A Poker Face WitchesBrewPress's Blog
Psycho Bunny Makes More Than A Poker Face at WitchesBrewPress's Blog
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia
Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia: Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia:
Must Be a Slow News Day for Mad Makow
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James Rich, Beside Herself, acrylic on canvas |
This is so old school Women's Studies 101; Henry Makow ("Mad" Makow I call him) has reposted his paranoid rant from 2001: - "Vagina Monologues" - Porn Play Debased Women. Makow is, as always, hyperbolic in his infinite campaign against feminism, gays, the Illuminati/Satanists, and Jews. They're all in it together, don't you know.
One of Makow's many surrealistic opinions on what women are really about is that once feminists discover the truth about the evil agenda that lives within, these women are doomed. Doomed! Because all that's left for these women is to become gay:
"The Vagina Monologues" presents a sad picture of life at the dead-end of feminism. It is an anguished cry for male love by a generation of women deceived by feminism, who now have no choice but to become lesbians.Something about the play has Makow worked up, for he uses the word "steamy" twice in his denouncement:
the play provides a steamy experience of sexual intimacy.
"The Vagina Monologues" quickly becomes a steamy chronicle of lesbian sexParsing the twilight language in Makow's writing is always fun; I'm sure his use of the word "flavor" in the following is inadvertent but it made me laugh:
Forgive me for what follows but I am trying to convey the pornographic flavor of this so-called play.Makow writes that "fixation" on one's genitals is "pure homosexuality." I'm serious here, is anyone out there listening to this fool? Sadly, and more to the point, frighteningly, the answer is yes. Of course Makow's a clown, but what's scary is that there are plenty of both men and women who follow his misogynistic philosophies and those people are very serious. Furthermore, his biggest fan seems to be Jeff Rense, who happily posts links to Makow's current articles on a regular basis.
I wondered how long it would take Makow to get into the world domination by evil feminist-Jew-lesbians via their Illuminati ways shtick. No matter what the topic of his rants are -- it could be recipes for jello salad or whatever -- he brings it all around to the insidious plots to rule teh wolrd by lesbian-jew-feminists.
Even though the subject of Makow's current piece is The Vagina Monologues, he goes from theater critic to paranoid goof ball. Well, he was a paranoid goof ball to begin with, but anyway. He segues into a brief section titled Illuminati Brainwashing, where he once again equates self-empowerment and being educated about one's body to having a "hatred of hetrosexuality." Next section: Agitprop, where Makow discusses the "tactics" used by Communists, which, don't ya know, are also used by the evil pinko-jew-lesbian-feminist cabal:
We must face the fact that feminism is a homosexual movement in deadly competition with heterosexuality. It is part of a wider covert war aimed at subverting Western civilization and enslaving society.
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Mrs. June Cleaver (Barbara Billingsley) in her kitchen |
contact-papered shelf in June Cleaver's kitchen, but I can't ignore the fact that there are those that take Makow seriously. One comment left by "Phil" puts the The Vagina Monologues in the same category as torture and war:
Dr. Makow – thanks for your expose of this popular pornographic play. It is a sign of a very sick culture that things like this are so easily accepted by society these days, along with torture as official policy, pre-emptive wars, and the slaughter of innocents.I can't speak to the play itself as a play, since I've never seen the play, only having seen various scenes throughout the years. Something about the play always struck me as, while empowering and all that good stuff, as also kind of do-gooder upper middle class bourgeoisie tripe. But regardless of if I've seen the play or not, it's clear Makow's issues with the play are with women taking control of their own bodies and educating themselves. Finding offense at basic sexuality is such a sad yet ridiculous response to have in these times, (any times) and then equating that with the downfall of society while ignoring the real stuff -- you know, like the world literally cracking open -- is truly bizarro. So, in that context, one question among many questions, is why does Jeff Rense insist on promoting Henry Makow?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I will be a guest on The Truther Girls radio show on Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 from 2-3:30 pm ET
Monday, June 20, 2011
Animal Forteana: Here Be Dragons! Itty Baby Ones, on Game of Thrones
True, the women have power, but the King trumps the Queen. Ah, but not so fast, for Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen has come into her own. Surrounded by her dragons, she will indeed rule, I suspect. And I bet the red winged dragon will be her special one; the leader of the pack (all three of them), the one who leads the wayAnimal Forteana: Here Be Dragons! Itty Baby Ones, on Game of Thrones
Friday, June 17, 2011
Question Has Been Posed:" Is Whitley Strieber Advocating Implants?"
I've just skimmed what's all there, so can't comment much. But a couple of things: seems Daniel Pinchbeck, who I greatly admire, has issues with Strieber, as I've commented on the past as well. Two psychonauts I respect at odds with each other. Always interesting. Then there's the late Mac Tonnies' thoughts on Strieber (Mac being another person I admired) -- which are very intriguing -- referenced on the RI OP. But what to think? Seems as wild in many ways as the simple idea Strieber is saying he experienced exactly what he did, indeed, experience. Can we fault the "experiencer" for stumbling around and trying to process the incredible? What else is he/she to do? And what of the enigmatic remark from the author of this post at RI about "psychic" interplays? via computer?:
"I posted a response suggesting an alternate explanation to Strieber’s paranoid insistence that sinister forces were behind the edits, namely, that Whitley had unconsciously altered the text via some sort of psychic interface with his software (something which has almost certainly happened in my experience)."That's quite a concept, one that's never entered my mind. And yet, I had something close to that myself once...does this mean the computer can be a conduit for communication for "them" as with ghost/hauntings -- those spirits and energies that use electricity to communicate? Which would mean Strieber's mind wasn't playing tricks on him, but "they" were.
I'm not defending anyone here, nor, attacking. Both seem downright stupid as well as silly and petty. When it comes to the individual and his or her experiences, we can't dare to tell them how to go about their journey, or be so presumptuous, as so many are in this field, to tell them how to interpret those experiences. Follow the magical threads here: - View topic - Is Whitley Strieber Advocating Implants?
Animal Forteana: Naked in the Artic: Exploiting Belugas
I posted this story of a Russian female marine biologist at my Animal Forteana blog; thougt I'd share it here:
Naked in the Artic: Exploiting Belugas
This is an incredible story, almost seems like a tabloid item or Onion piece. Beautiful photographs, and amazing story in so many ways. But it's very sad as well, for the Beluga whales are being "tamed" and kept in holding pens in the ocean until such time they're considered acclimated enough to be sent to aquairiums or "dolphinariums" around the world. A horrible thing; something that should be illegal. Such beauty and witness to how we can control our bodies to communicate with other creatures, and all for greedy and self-gratifying reasons that exploit others. Article, with photos, here:Naked female scientist tries to tame beluga whales in the arctic | Mail Online
Animal Forteana: Naked in the Artic: Exploiting Belugas
Thursday, June 16, 2011
The D Word: Satisfying the Sweet Tooth
Sunday, June 12, 2011
YUFOLOGY: Family Values
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Turkish UFO Researcher Farah Yurdozu on Radio Misterioso
The Orange Orb: It's the Paola Harris Show! Harris Speaks at McMinnville UFO Fest
Saturday, May 28, 2011
More on Surrealist Painter Leonora Carrington
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Leonara Carrington, Jack Be Nimble |
Many thanks to dia sobin who shared this link of paintings by surrealist artist Leonaora Carrington, who passed away recently: Leonora Carrington.
Her paintings are beautiful. Some of them remind me of Tarot cards, others, of esoteric alien-abduction-ET realms, even though, I am quite sure, that was not Carrington's intent, I'm simply saying they remind me of that a bit.
The Orange Orb: The USSR Cause for Roswell? - Muddled Disclosures
The Orange Orb: From Interstellar Housewife: Dimensional Wrinkles
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Surrealist painter Leonora Carrington dies aged 94 | Reuters
British painter Leonora Carrington, one of the last surviving artists from the golden age of Surrealism, has died aged 94 in her adopted home of Mexico City, where she had lived quietly for decades.Surrealist painter Leonora Carrington dies aged 94 | Reuters
Mexico's national arts council said Carrington died on Wednesday night in the Mexican capital. Local media reported she died of pneumonia.
An arresting beauty in her youth who became famous for her paintings of women and mythical beasts, Carrington was embraced by the Surrealists in the late 1930s, when she had a passionate affair with German artist Max Ernst.
Viewed as a national treasure in Mexico, her eccentric bronze sculptures dot the capital's main avenue Reforma. One piece was ripped from its bolted base and stolen from a public exhibition in 2000, though the thieves later abandoned it.
"She created mythical worlds where magical figures and animals predominate. Cobras become goats, crows transform into blind spirits and inhabit trees and houses," Conaculta said in a statement. "They are images that emerged from a mind obsessed with representing the transcendent reality we live in."
Here's more on Ms. Carrington, from Encyclopedia of the Exquisite: Nobody's Muse.
I didn’t have time to be anyone’s muse,” said Carrington. “I was too busy rebelling against my family and learning to be an artist.”
Mad Makow Going Strong...
"Most women are confused, anti-social, filled with anxiety and fear, and when you approach them, they treat you like a predator or a pervert. Those who are friendly only want sex, even if they're already in a relationship, or worse, already married."
Then there's the feminists and the lesbians, usually they both go hand in hand.
It seems most women don't like being "harassed" by men anymore,And he ends with the Makow doctrine that everything wrong with the world (you know, like Jews, lesbians and feminists) is done by the Illuminati:
The crimes against humanity by Illuminati social engineers in the name of freedom and equality are mind boggling.
Why do I keep picking on Makow? Because, while he's hysterical and it's a surreal feeling to know there are actually people like him out there, there are actually people like him out there. The comments left on these articles are scary --- sigh, there are really people like him out there! And just about the only site you can count on to pass along Makow's homophobic, sexist, anti-Semitic insanity is Jeff Rense's site, which says quite a lot about ol' Rense.
Universal Truth Evolution Radio interviews Psychic and MILAB Anya Briggs about speaking at the Presidential Commission on the Study of Bioethics
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Fortean Sexuality: "I Married a Lesbian"
She and I are 4th cousins as well.
She was sexually impotent with me, and this puzzled me. So, I began to exercise very aggressively and intensely. This would include such activities as weightlifting and long distance bicycling.
While rather puny when I got married, I developed into quite a attractive and sturdy young man. This was all to please my wife and gain her affection. I improved my diet and continued these exercise habits until the age of 40.
Since this didn't increase her intimacy toward me, I began to wonder if she wanted me to make more money. The first six or so years of our marriage, I barely made more than minimum wage. We were very poor, and in debt.
... I visited the same psychiatrist. He told me that my wife was in fact a lesbian, and that it would destroy me in time if I did not divorce her.
Interestingly, our sex life actually improved a great deal. It appears that my knowing she was a lesbian may have given her some freedom.
And my ex wife has yet to disclose to anyone that she is a lesbian. She continues to live this lie. My ex wife presently has a boyfriend in order to continue the concealment. ..
One thing every man should know is that you never, never satisfy a woman by appeasement...
As Americans say, she is sh*t testing you, to check if you are really worth her relinquishing sexually to you. The answer is to show strength and dominance, and never the contrary, trying to please her, to be "nice" which is what most men do. This will only make the woman despise your weakness even more. . .
Understand that this unconscious, biological. Women need to be certain that they've got the best men her looks can "buy". If she feels irritated, frustrated around you (and still you are a good guy), she has doubts about her choice. When you assert your dominance, those doubts are gone. As Henry says, women need to relinquish power to the man, but only to those she admires. Women are hypergamous, i.e., they always go for the alpha male, for the powerful man. You must assure that you are this man.