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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Karyn Dolan, WOE's Newest Contributor

I am very pleased and excited to announce Women Of Esoterica's newest contributor, Karyn Dolan.

Karyn was interviewed for UFO Magazine by another WOE contributor, Lesley Gunter, who writes Beyond The Dial column for the magazine, and has her own blogs: Lesley Land, Land of Enchantment, and The Debris Field.

Karyn was also interviewed by our good friend Tim Binnall in October of 2007.

And of course, Karyn has her own radio program: Through the Keyhole, for the Paranormal Radio Network.

Thank you Karyn and welcome!


LesleyinNM said...

A BIG WELCOME to Karyn!!!

Kithra said...

Yes, welcome Karyn. Looking forward to reading your stuff as and when I have time.