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Monday, November 16, 2009
My never-before-published ghost story is now...published

Ricky Wills Incredible Reincarnation
Ricky Wills lives in the UK. He is an interesting man who caught my attention when I heard about his past life experience. I was able to interview Ricky about his remarkable experience with a past life event. This is Ricky’s story.
Ricky told me that he did not really have any thoughts one way or the other about Reincarnation or multiple life experiences until this event happened to him.
Ricky is a curious man who is always up for new experienced and adventures. Along his way in life Ricky came to know a man by way of a friend of a friend who used hypnotism as an aid to allow people to recall past lifetimes.
Ricky thought this would be interesting and agreed to be hypnotized to see if he was able to recall any of his past lives.
Ricky was not all that trusting that any of this could work and certainly did not know if it would work on him. The man who did the regressions was a small man, who did not seem able to handle the exercise involved in this past life regression, which involved the person being hypnotized to fall backwards while being caught, by the man doing the hypnotizing. Ricky standing 6ft 5” in height felt less than confident the short thin hypnotist carrying out the exercise could carry off the exercise of having him fall and catching him plus other practices used to create the state needed to bring him to the place where he could recall another life. Ricky went along with it all to see if the man could bring out a past life remembrance from the regression session.
Ricky does not recall the session other than coming out of it. He was surprised to learn he had a full recall of an entire other life!
Ricky told a detailed life of a man who died in 1892 in Tring England. His name was Edward Collins. He was 34 years old when he died. He had a wife and two children both girls. By trade Edward was a printer. He did not have a glamorous life. He was neither a rich man nor poor, just an average man for the time. Ricky told them during his regression that he remembered always being ashamed of his dirty stained fingers. Working as a printer he could never remove the ink from his hands and spent his life always trying to hide his black dyed fingers.
Ricky said he stepped in front of a horse drawn coal cart, which ran him over and died instantly in 1892 at the age of 34.
Ricky was astonished he gave so many exact details during his past life regression. He also was disappointed he did not recall being a King or famous person but a simple printer.
One incredible detail of the regression was that Ricky knew that when he was buried as Edward his wife at that time forgot to place a pin of hers in his coffin before they closed it. She was frantic about it and they had her toss the pin down when lowering the coffin into Edwards grave.
Instead of falling upon his coffin this pin missed its mark for a second time and ended up lying in the ground about a foot down in the ground on top of Edwards coffin. It has remained there all these years.

Time passed and Ricky and his present life wife seemed to forget about Ricky’s past life experience until they decided to take a small holiday near the town of Tring where the man Edward lived and died. Ricky could not resist the temptation and arranged to tour the town on their holiday.
The town of Tring did not seem at all overly familiar to Ricky. He did ask around and found that an old cemetery was located near to where they were staying. Ricky could not resist looking while in this town in the cemetery to see if by chance he could find a Edward Collins buried there around 1892.
Ricky and his wife walked about the graveyard looking at all the old worn out headstones when they soon came upon it. Right in front of them stood the headstone of Edward Collins- who died 1892 age 34. To say Ricky and his wife were stunned is an understatement.
Ricky stood there looking in shock. Was her really looking at himself, his old body? The sensation of it all was like nothing he experienced before He did not know if he wanted to laugh or cry- stand or sit.
Ricky dropped to his knees and start to dig. His wife was shocked and immediately began to question Ricky. “Ricky!” She gasped, “What in the world are you doing? Stop that” His wife bent down next to him while Ricky kept digging “ If this is all true that pin will be right here and I am going to find it. The worst thing will be a bit of dirt taken out that I will just shovel back in. I am going to dig down about a foot”
Ricky didn’t have to go the whole foot, about 10 inches down he found it. A very antique looking pin lying there in the dirt right where he predicted it would be during his regression. Ricky and his wife just stood there looking at the old dirty pin in Ricky’s hand and at each other.
Ricky keeps this pin in a box on his dresser in his bedroom. His wife does not feel right wearing it, they just hold on to it. Ricky’s adventure has been a life changing one. I have to say Ricky’s adventure has given me cause to think as well. I will never doubt those odd feelings I have been to a place before or recall a sight or smell I have never known before.
Ricky understands now why he has always had an obsession with keeping his hands clean. He also always feels as if his hands are dirty when they are not. Without question a carry over from the printers stained fingers.
Ricky is known to be overly concerned about crossing the street. In fact Ricky has been known to pull a few to safety who stepped into the road in a dangerous fashion. It all now seems to make sense to Ricky.
Thinking about this story made me realize why in my own life I fear height or recall the smell of wood burning in a fireplace as second nature when I have a gas fireplace in my home! We may all walk around with memories that are simply not of this life but part of our souls memory.
The picture of the pin above is the actual pin Ricky dug up that day!
♥ Copyright © 2008- 2009 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved
Chris Holly’s Paranormal World- http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/
Email chrishollyufo@yahoo.com
Visit The Orange Orb
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Eagle Visitation Memory

Taken Up By An Eagle, on my blog Mothman Flutterings.
Visit the Orange Orb
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Amazing Energy Of Edd Edwards
I read an article about a man being tested by the Rhine Research Center in Durham North Carolina for his extreme energy levels and his ability to control his energy. The Rhine Research Center is a hub for research and education on the basic nature of consciousness. The man Edd Edwards was being tested, as he was able to channel his energy to move or adjust energy fields as well as to heal animals and people who were ill.
My curiosity got the better of me and I searched out this man who graciously agreed to talk to me about his abilities.
Edd Edwards lives in a small town in Georgia. He is a polite friendly intelligent man who is a pleasure to talk to. What makes Edd Edwards different from the rest of us is his powerful energy force and his ability to control it.
Edd (which is pronounced Eddie) first recalls his awareness of energy when he was a small child of two or three. His grandmother had a strong energy source and knew how to use her energy. His grandmother was a well-known hands on healer in their Christian community. She realized Edd also was gifted with this strong force and started him off early in life learning the ways of using and handling his strong energy abilities.
As Edd grew up he continued to develop his skill of controlling his energy. He was able to predict lightning strikes along with being the target for them. Edd has been hit by lightning three times in his life.
He also became aware that he could affect both ill humans and animals with healing energy. As Edd continued to master his control of his, energy he found he was able to move or make changes in other energy sources as well as magnetic fields.
Edd does not look at himself as that unusual or different. Edd claims that all of us could do the same things that he can do. He thinks we are all born with the ability the only difference is that he is aware of his. Edd feels we are all able to use our given energy and that we all could be able to connect to the overall connecting energy of the universe. The only difference is that he has learned how to tap in and use this skill. Edd feels that it is possible we may have become so closed off to these abilities that we have lost this skill.
After talking with Edd Edwards I feel it far more likely he is a example of what we will become and be able to do as we evolve and become more aware of our potential and how to use it. I look at Edd as a step up the human ladder. If we all were able to focus and use our energy like Edd does the world would be a far different place. The possibilities of using our energy in force to move things, change direction of fields and heal would make for incredible advancements that would be a giant stepping stone for mankind.
In the mid 90s Edd watched a TV program where a Dr. Levengood who is connected to the Rhine Research Center, talked about his research with equipment he was using to study energy concerning the on going crop circle controversy.
Edd called Dr Levengood to see if he could help him with his unusual energy abilities. Edd wanted to better understand his healing power, control and use of energy.
Edd went to see Dr Levengood where he was tested. He was tested on a charge density pulse recorder and was able to knock the readings off the scale. They were able to adjust the recorder to handle the amount of energy Edd was putting out. This is when Edd was able to see scientifically what his energy really was able to do. Working with this knowledge Edd was able to fine tune his brain to the point he could choose the frequency he wanted to work with (either DC positive or DC negative) Edd learned that this knowledge helped him in his healing as the different frequencies seemed to affect people in different ways.
Edd told me that people all have different energy levels, which he can easily detect and tune into. He thinks that we all have the resources to connect with the universal energy. He thinks we all are a catalyst who could learn to tap into the universal energy that surrounds all of us. Together we could heal, control and move the world to a better place if we could all develop and use the skills he does.
Edd’s connection to other living creatures is strong. He knows when someone is in pain or distressed. He also knows when someone is putting out good or bad energy. Edd can read a persons energy, which makes him more in tune with the world around him.
Edd can demonstrate his control of energy by concentrating his energy on groups of people. He is able to focus his attention to a group of people where he can send them the feeling of being pulled towards him or being pushed away. He has proven this skill while giving talks about his energy. When Edd gives his talks on his energy he has gotten his audience to stand and feel first hand his ability to pull them towards him or push them away. The people who experience this with Edd describe it like the action between two magnets held together.
Edd had been able to control his energy into a healing force by working with both humans and animals that are ill. Edd claims to be able to cause a positive effect on living tissue and has helped in healing those who suffered with that type of ailment.
Edd does not think he is really that different from the average person. Edd thinks with focus and a bit of concentration and practice many if not all of us could use the same export of human energy to join with the power of the universe and use our given energy to do things like heal the ill. Edd feels we can all learn and recognize the energy forces in us and around us. Edd feels that this skill is a natural skill and power in mankind that could be joined with the energy of the universe, which could be a step in our species evolution.
I think that Edd may be a person who is on the evolutionary ladder to what we may all come to be. I think we all have many powers and energy sources that we have not yet learned to control or even recognize as normal and natural. I also agree with Edd that one day all the energy that fills our universe will be able to be tapped into making us all part of one big picture. I believe this to be true however I also believe we have just started on the journey to conquer these abilities. I also think Edd is what our future will look like and he is indeed the man of tomorrow.
I hope more investigation into the power of Edd Edwards will go on by people like Dr Levengood. I think the world would be a much better place if we all were able to come together and join our given forces to make this world an easier better place. How wonderful it would be if in-group we could join together and heal the ill. Mend a child or remove the pain of the aging or wounded. I think one day this will be our way. For now we have Edd and the few like him to learn from and work with to find our way to being all we can be.
I will share with you the fact that I had a painful earache the day I spoke with Edd Edwards. I told him I had it for about two weeks and that it was really bothering me the day we spoke.
I did not think Edd could do anything for me since we were talking over an Internet connection. Edd did have me hold my hand to my ear and talked to me about healing for a minute or two. I thought little of it until after the interview. By the time I went to bed my earache was gone and to date it has not returned.
Edd told me that interest had been shown in the science community to do research on him and others like him who are able to focus and control their energy. Although I think Edd has been gifted in his energy abilities I do know each one of us has a life energy force within us.
I also know that they discovered as far back as when the pyramids were being built that our strength and abilities increased beyond what they should when we joined together working as one. They soon discovered that 12 men pulling a heavy weight actually had the pulling strength of maybe 15 men. This increased as they added men. Having crews of 20 or 30 men working on a project provided the strength of 4o men.
Knowing this I could not help imagine how our life would change if we could learn to focus in groups using our energy to heal, move objects or reach into space. If our efforts could also increase as mans physical strength does with our energy abilities imaging our abilities can be endless.
I wonder if we spent our time and money on projects like this instead of millions on blowing holes in our moon what good might be learned and done? If we could learn to self heal our own species with group energy we would all benefit. If we could use what is natural and free many problems could be helped and this world be a better planet. I certainly think learning from people like Edd Edwards is worth a piece of that 70 plus million we spent to blow that hole in our moon.
I wish we all could learn from this man so that we all could use that inside of each of us to help improve the world and all of life around us.
I like Edd Edwards. It would be wonderful if we could all be a bit more like this energy filled healing man. My bet for our evolution and welfare would be to learn more about our own abilities here on our own planet before reaching out to other places and other beings. I am sure energy fills all life in this universe. I think it wise we learn all we can about our own powers before going unarmed and ignorant out into the vast universe. Conquering our own abilities and strengths should be our first concern before looking for contact with those who already may have found theirs.
As we walk forward towards the universal community of other life forms and beings let us understand the importance of becoming all we can be. It would be wonderful if mankind was known as focused, healing, intelligent life forms instead of violent, war like killing beings that cannot join as one or control our own life force.
We have miles to go however men like Edd Edwards give me hope we are on the changing path to becoming better beings. I do hope our society starts to build around men like Edd. The doctors who do realize and want to investigate his abilities are not able to find funding or the help they need to do so. I would think that science would be fighting over the chance to work with and learn from Edd. This is not the case and what should be happening does not happen.
I guess until we, as a society figure out what is important in life millions will be spent on Vampire and Horror flicks. People like Edd and all they have to offer to this world will go the way side keeping us at the barbaric end of the universal life chain.
I know our future is in people like Edd Edwards. I guess until the rest of the human race thinks as I do we will continue on leaving men like Edd in small towns healing who he can while the rest of us spend our time fighting, hating and figuring out how to destroy each other. What can I say; I am just a simple paranormal writer living on a big blue globe floating in a vast big universe. The only ability I have is to call it like I see it!
Chris Holly’s Paranormal World- http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/
Email chrishollyufo@yahoo.com
Paranormal Activity - Movie Review
Wow, I don't know about this one! On the positive side, the acting was pretty good, convincing. The 'psychic' character was a good actor and the information he gave to the characters in peril was fairly accurate and rational pertaining to dealing with the paranormal.
On the down side, well, I literally got sick from the movie! The constant movement of the camera and amateur-style video handling literally gave me motion sickness.
While there were a few scenes that got your heart pumping, I think I'd recommend waiting until you can rent it rather than spend the money on going to the theater.
I'd give it a 6/10.
I'd also recommend gravol if you're prone to getting car sick!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
2012- The Mayans and Other Strange Predictions of Our Time
The Mayan calendar is set to end on Dec 21, 2012. There are many theories why this date ends the Mayan Calendar.
Many feel that this date is the day of end times and the world will be destroyed. Others feel this will be a time of major earth disasters, space changes, and mythical planets invading our galaxy along with strange Milky Way alignments. There is talk of a pole flip causing problems all over the earth or this being when we have a second coming of Christ.
I also am aware that many scientists, astronomers and scholars think the entire 2012 matter is a over blown myth due to the lack of knowledge. We are confused on how the Mayans set up their calendars and do not understand the method that they used to set their calendar cycles.
It may be that our lack of information on how and why the Mayans set up their systems of time have brought us to a mistaken belief that they ended their calendar due to the fact they thought the earth was going to end. The facts seem to be that the scholars researching the Mayans have not found any information that ties the Mayan Calendar end date to anything at all that mentions end times. I have been told that many of the fears being tossed around the inter net about the planets and the alignment of the sun and its place in the Milky Way is simply not true. The rumors have been confused with the facts making the fears based on the ignorance of astronomy by the public. The men and women of science who study space will tell you that the stories on the net are mostly based on the lack of knowledge of the masses and the fears running rampart are impossible without a ounce of fact or possibility.
My thinking on this entire subject is that 2012 has been twisted and tossed into a mess of confusion exactly like every other subject in the paranormal. I think most of what I hear and read concerning 2012 is ridiculous. I also think that because of this the true fears I have with the coming years ahead including 2012 are brushed aside and neglected.
Once again we over look the forest for the trees and make decisions on false facts and turn our nose up at real problems that will be soon be at our doorsteps. We find ourselves lost about 2012 due to the piles of false claims and annoying people pushing silly ideas for self-agenda purposes.
With that said I loudly yell for all of you to pay attention. The Mayans may not have actually left Dec 21 2012 as a date for end times. They may have not been thinking of leaving us any message or warning at all. They may have simply switched over to a different calculation or had chosen that date for some other reason relating to them and for reasons having little or nothing to do with our perception of time. I think they may have possibly known that this was a time in history of many earth changes but I do not think they were looking at this date of 2012 as a time of end for everything on this earth.
With that said I now will tell you that I DO think that we are without question in a time in history that is dangerous and volatile.
We live in a time of cycles that are due to end and new ones that are due to start. We are past due on earth for the natural explosion of many mega volcanos. We are due for earthquakes to shake our terra firma and tidal waves to crash upon our shores. Many places on earth are already being shaken and flooded causing major damage and huge loss of life.
Besides natural earth cycles due, our climate is moving at its natural stages and changing our landmass along with it’s changing patterns. The sun is over due for its cycle of change and twisting and moaning as it gets ready to explode in mass blasting us with solar flares that will destroy our technology based societies abilities soaring us back 200 years over night with a direct hit by one of its flares. Not only are these events possible- it is Impossible They Will Not Happen!
I have not even bothered to mention a pole flip as we will have a change of magnetic poles on earth. This is fact. This has happened before and it is due to happen again. I have no idea how this will change our world. I know it will not end it as it has happened many times before in the history of the earth and we are still here, big blue and floating in space. It may play havoc with our technology. It may mean new ways of doing things but I do not think it will be our end.
I do know 2012 is clearly on it way and is a date that sits in the middle of many dangerous events due to occur. One thing I do know is we who now walk and live upon this planet will live to see the outcome as 2012 edges closer and closer.
I realize that actual historical records are often flawed and time confused. The date of the birth and death of Christ seems to be debated making a issue of four years that would bring us to living in the year 2012 right now. It also may be off by 100 years or the year 2012 has already happened. I think the reference to an exact date is not as important as the fact that this is a time in history we are due for many huge earth changes which is what we all need to prepare for.
I think the one statement we all can agree on past the craziness of what goes on in the paranormal is that this planet is going to change like it or not! I think it wise to prepare if you can as you do for any storm. The difference in our present time in history is that our storms may be of the sun or a magnetic pole flip. We may have severe climate changes making mankind’s survival based on how well mankind prepares for and handles the earth’s upheaval. We are simply parasites living on top of a huge living planet. We either adapt of die.
I always found our fixation on the Mayan Calendar and the date of Dec 21 2012 odd. We clearly do not have the information needed to obtain a clear understanding of what was taking place during that time on earth.
I find it rather strange that we seem to not see or neglect many things that were going on in the days of the Mayan rule. Many things then from artwork to bizarre rituals seem to point in part to a connection to some of the unknown things that go on today.
It is known that part of the Mayan culture involved the gruesome practices of bloodletting and sacrifice that took place during the worship of their gods. With that I thought about the extreme astronomy information they possessed along with advanced math skills and had a strange idea.
I thought about all the cattle and animal mutilations found all over the world. You can find article after article where farmers find dead animals drained clean of every drop of blood. Add the strange practice of half cat mutilations that have been on going for at least the last 20 odd years to this strangeness. Often Alien interaction is looked at as a possibility in all these mutilations.
After thinking about the Mayans and how they practiced this odd offering of their blood to the Gods I had a stunning thought. What if the Mayans also found animals drained of blood? What if the Mayans found people drained this way too? Would that not be the basis of reason and fear that started the Mayans offering blood to the Gods above?
Could the Mayans have been sacrificing in this fashion in hopes of keeping a step ahead of a blood thirsty God? Was offering up what they witnessed or how they found blood-drained bodies a hope of being spared and in good grace with such Gods? Could what goes on with our farm animals been going on then but with humans as the victims? It is something to think about.
I think if we look at many artifacts, art and designs of the past we can conclude that something from above had influence and the eye and minds of those who walked this earth before us. Have we neglected to consider the influence of other beings as part of our own history?
I often wonder if the truth of the past history of this planet involved visitors from another place who were able to freely mingle among us under the pretense of being gods to those too primitive to understand anything more. It certainly would bring logic to many events of our past that otherwise seem confused and illogical.
Whatever went on in our past history we need to think differently about the meaning of 2012 today as a time when many natural cycles are due to occur bringing possible disaster and catastrophe to this planet and mankind. We need to rethink how we look at our past and why those before us did what they did. It may be our own ignorance in understanding what they were really trying to report or pass down in history.
I believe one day we will have better answers to these questions giving us a better understanding of our own past history. I hope it happens in my lifetime.
Chris Holly’s Paranormal World- http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/
Email chrishollyufo@yahoo.com
Blog Find: Interstellar Houswife
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Richard Thomas Interviews Karyn Dolan
Monday, November 2, 2009
WOE Contributor Farah Yurdozu on Other World Radio
Hello all
I invite you to listen and join with your questions / emails to my upcoming radio interview on Saturday Nov 7 at Other World Radio. I will be talking about alien abductions, alien contact, recent and ancient UFO cases from my native country Turkey and the paranormal aspects of ET / UFO contacts and my recent book LOVE IN AN ALIEN PURGATORY
Here is the link...
An Intent Experiment: Retreiving Missing Time

Probably inspired in part by the dream post the other day, I've decided to experiment with the intent of remembering. An attempt to retrieve the period of time missing in my (our) missing time episode so many years ago, when I saw the orange orb that seemed to respond to my thoughts and follow us home. (I know, it screams "I Was Chased By A Flying Saucer!") Hypnosis might seem faster, more efficient and just more reasonable all around, but, aside from the praticall matter of money (and how do we explain that to the insurance company?) this is at least equally as interesting. It's also a baby step, maybe, towards undergoing hypnosis.
I'm still out on the whole hypnosis thing. Even if I I'm telling the truth as I know it, is that still the truth? That's one of the big questions I have surrounding this whole thing. I may think I really saw aliens, was taken aboard a craft, (or, not) but how could I ever know that that is what really did happen? Corroboration would give some support to my experience; if my husband has the same story then that would verify the veracity of our stories. Still...I wonder. Maybe it's just what we were led to believe happened; it doesn't mean it did happen.
Then of course, there's the question of: why am I so reticent about not accepting Alien Abduction Scenario 101?
There are other questions that aren't as fun or interesting. For example, what if we both just went mentally off the rails for a few hours? Or someone slipped drugs into our iced teas? Or it was just so damn long ago, nothing at all happened in any way? Come to think of it, when I look at those possibilities, they seem as ridiculous as alien abductions.
I think something very strange happened, and even paranormal-mystical-alien related. But I don't think it was alien abduction in fact, I don't think alien abductions are literally alien abductions at all. But then there are the damn edges of memory, like the paralyzing, terrifying dreams I had after the orb sightingand missing time events. Why that particular scenario?
Just keeps going around and around.
I think what I'm doing is PAAAR: Passive-Aggressive Alien Abduction Retrieval. (I made that up.) It can't be true, it's just too ridiculous, even while I maintain there are most certainly aliens walking amongst us. I don't want to go through hypnosis (yet) (maybe) for a variety of reasons. I wouldn't trust what came out of any session anyway. Context and coincidences are intriguing as hell, but what do they prove? And how much can be trusted?
And then there's my spouse, who has gone through the same missing time episodes as I, and his own body of UFO related experiences. I feel very strongly there is a trust here and a responsibility; if I go traipsing off to some hynosis, whatever gets uncovered means he has to deal. Maybe he isn't ready to deal. I can't just throw all this in his face. Something like this has to be mutual, embarked upon together.
I think I made a subconscious pact with myself that I'll get to the bottom of this before I die. I have a ways to go yet; I plan on living until I'm at least 95, which gives me a good forty years or so to play with. I'm just taking my time.
Post script: So I just flat out asked my spouse how he feels about going through hypnosis in the context of our UFO and missing time experiences, he said he "supposes" he's for it.
In the meantime, I'll continue to explore my dream time.