I have been listening to different Internet radio shows while I work on my computer.. I think I have heard every theory there is concerning who controls our world. I have heard theories about secret governments, black operation sections of governments, mad scientists hiding in secret labs and of course alien species -as those responsible for controlling the human race.
I am confused and bewildered about who is controlling us however I am resigned to the fact that some ultimate force other than who we are being told is actually controlling this planet.
Long ago I realized we seem to be giving over our brains and will to a united group of something.
I cannot figure out if it is our governments or an advanced human community or another species of intelligent life. Who is in control remains the extreme mystery.
It is obvious we are controlled in many ways including the media, Hollywood , the Internet, the need to belong and our gadgets. We dress, believe and obsess on what we are told to.
It is similar to training an animal. Consist repetition in form of commercials and movies along with all other forms of the media that flash what to wear, what to listen to, who to believe, what to laugh at, what to drive, eat even desire is all programmed in to our society.
We are similar to a dog who is brainwashed to do as we need by the reward of the treat in our pocket. For the human the reward is to fit in . Simple. Tell us we need to have a cell phone, or tight jeans or platform shoes, listen to certain music - whatever is needed to fit in with all the other sheep people and we will run and obediently do it.
The difference with dogs and humans is that dogs seem to maintain a more basic attachment to their natural individual desires and will run off and sniff at whatever they find interesting with little care of what the other dogs may think. Humans seem to have given up the basic act of being individual for the overpowering need to belong or be cookie cutter to fit in.. In short I think the dogs have remained far more true to being who they really are where as the humans seem to willingly sell out their individuality.
Since the start mankind has been living in groups, pack animals - to insure survival.
From the start there has always been the need for a organizing force to maintain a working society. Laws were the obvious way to keep us in line. Punishment for bad behaviors were developed. Law was also used to control people from moving in directions that were looked down upon by the ruling forces.
Religions work well in keeping society controlled.. The rules of the religions of the world did and still do work to control behavior and conquer the masses.
Governments control us and use us to war against each other when one group disagrees with another group. We support the group we belong to and are controlled by and go about the destruction of others often and easily when our group is threatened.
Of course there are those who mind their business yet are forced to defend against those who are the aggressor which continues us on the long time constant road of control via war on this planet.
As society moved forward so did the training techniques. Religion , Law via governments worked well for a very long time. Brain washing by way of propaganda has always been a effective tool in training the masses to follow like sheep . Look at the world wars. Look at the way the few can spread hatred or doctrine among the many. It seems the human race is rooted in a sheep like mentality that makes them extremely easy to pull about by the nose!
We now have entered into a era where our control has leaped forward to a far more sinister trend which I fear may be the beginning of the end for our species.
It started with the breaking down of traditional and cultural lifestyles. The first crack in society started in the western sections of our planet where a new style of control has emerged.
Now instead of controlling society it seems we are in a era of destroying our civilizations.
This is being done with the breakdown of basic foundations that have clued humans together from the start of civilization.
It is obvious that for the last 30 or 40 years we have been busy with the destruction of the family unit. Families failed as people were convinced to enter into the era of self. A time when what you want has become far more important than the family or group. A time when the individual has been fooled in to thinking they are wasting time building a untied society and instead should seek out singular wants and desires instead. The price for this has been the death of the family unit.
Being all you can be is a needed goal as is maintaining a strong untied family base for society to spring board from.
Becoming a strong individual depends on a strong foundation which has been in our past the family unit. This still remains part of many races who are thriving on the planets way of life still today . The destruction of the family unit continues however to decline in the worlds races that are now at a zero population rate. This decline and zero rate will soon complete extinction in this area of the worlds population. I am sure similar patterns will soon emerge all over the world.
Following the era of self and the destruction of strong family units came a zero population rate for many western world races which of course has them on a downward journey to extinction.
With the start of our decline by way of separation of family leading to a zero population growth for many areas of the world population we see a tidal wave of continued growth and obsession with self which quickens allows us to march blindly to our own end.
We are slaves to the media. They tell you what to think, what to wear, what to listen to and watch as well as what to think. Enter the internet and you have extreme control mechanisms in place where you can control the masses from their homes with ease.
The new lawless land of the Internet is a land where anyone can brainwash who ever will listen with insane theories and complete fantasy. You can find long ranting speeches delivered all over the net by those with private agenda's that are swallowed hook line and sinker by a mass of gullible sheep people who will believe anything they are told.
If people find someone who fills their own fantasies or offers them a accepted group to become part of they join in believing whatever nonsense is being presented without ever researching the facts. I find this a dangerous way to make decisions on topics that may be life changing or extremely important in a person's life.
The Internet has made the use of technology the brainwashing tool of the century. This tool is being used on the people by the people for reasons other than the information tool it was intended to be. It is used for communication which is a good thing however it is also used for evil self serving purposes which makes it a extremely dangerous place. The Internet is also a land where you can never be sure who or what you are actually communicating with which in my thinking is the real danger .
These facts of Internet land make it extremely easy for whoever or whatever is guiding this planet to work among the havoc and confusion of the net to do as they need to in order to keep us doing whatever it is they want us to do.
Our allowing the confusion makes for a convoluted and muddied mess which makes the control of our species a piece of cake.
Humans are sheep like in behavior with a extreme need to fit in to a herd or group. They are pack animals who have rejected their packs instead searching to find a new place to belong or fit in. This allows for easy control by the few over the many via groups , forums and chat rooms spread all over the Internet. Offer people a herd ( which sadly fill the need for the broken family unit) and you have the few controlling the many. All that seems to be needed is a common interest for those searching to find a group to attach to.
The sad part of this is that this is taking place in houses with families lost to technology sitting in different rooms, engaged with some sort of machine be it a TV or Computer , blackberry or cell phone searching for a connection instead of sitting together as families or friends sharing real communication.
You end up with people being brainwashed with crazy thinking believing all level of people instead of discussing with real people real issues in real time. This miss use of the Internet as a tool for humanity is our greatest failure. Instead of using the net to research things you do not understand in a intelligent manner many simply switch it on immediately enter whatever herd they have attached themselves to and believe whatever idiot they come across as long as they are a heard member.
Time after time I listen to chat room, groups or radio shows with large followings of brainless sheep people agree with the alpha dog of the group while he or she spreads ridiculous thinking with fake science that is straight out of a Hollywood movie. It does not seem to matter if the ideas being presented are fact or fiction as the sheep people agreeing blindly seem to believe every word without ever considering if truth is involved. It is a frightening fact of the Internet.
This behavior also is the base of why subjects like the paranormal are stuck in the dark ages. The real issues, sightings, experiences and serious investigators and research is lost in the enormous mix of those who are using this area for self serving agenda's creating fake events, photo's , video's and outrageous stories or theories for reasons that only they understand. This prevents forward movement in the paranormal as every step forward is blocked or broken by those using the area for fun fraud or fame.
It is sad as so many things paranormal are simply part of science or life we simply do not yet understand. Our approach to it will keep us ignorant and in the dark until this changes.
I recently listened to a radio show with a group of people which included two paranormal investigators, one physicist and two people who have had real time abduction experiences.
We listened in group as a raving mad man made up all kinds of nonsense about the aliens coming to kill us all along with other scenario's he was portraying as absolute truth. A large group of people sat and listened to this fantasy thrower who was obviously doing this for his private agenda of hopeful stardom .
We could not believe that the people listening did not question his silliness or take the time to simply research parts of his claims to see if they were real.
The people simply sat and agreed with this fool as if he were a god. We did research his claims and detailed reports of technology he claimed were going on in the world to find he was full of total hog droppings.
This willingness to believe anyone who says things you may want to be true is why those who really do control this planet have such a easy time doing so. Somewhere along the line we decided to stop thinking.
So here we sit in a society that is losing its basic foundation of family who also has given up the art of thinking for themselves. We follow who ever yells the loudest or is the most popular. Add the fact that we are addicted to the gadgets of technology and you have a deadly mix.. Can you see how easy it has become for any secret group be it human or alien to use these things to both control and turn us into a bunch of trained pets?
We have given up thinking and our individuality becoming brain dead swallow any nonsense fools being pulled about by our noses. We do not think about the logic of what is being said or check the incredible statements being told to us, we simply swallow it.
We do this willingly providing a lovely smoke blanket for those who truly work behind the scenes to control us and herd us for reasons we do not understand. How those running this planet must laugh as we give over our souls without a thought or fight.
By the time the self agenda humans finish with us in the media , net or via Entertainment those who need to download control over us barely need lift a finger. We have done all the heavy lifting to our own extinction for them. They merely need to stampede us over the cliff. Destroying humanity looks to be quick and easy task.
One way to speed our road to our end days would be to make us more robotic enabling control by way of downloaded information even a quicker manipulation of human control and or takeover.
Enter in the era of technology . Computers, wireless communication, cell phones. blackberry's, I Pods, gadgets- hanging on us, attached to us.
We are constantly hooked to sitting in front of some type of communication device. Humans are addicted to them. How simple and easy to gain control when we are all hooked up to a system that could be downloading in to our pea brains with who knows what as we sit numbly tweeting, texting, chatting our brains and lives away.
I do not know why we have been trained or by who. I am sure however that we have been and currently are being controlled and manipulated by whoever and whatever runs this planet .
I am not sure who is running the human show. I do know it is not the people we think are running things. It may be a secret global government of humans who have a ultimate plan for this planet. It may be a group of top powerhouses calling the shots. It may be a different species of beings over seeing our development or a combination of all of those things.
If our decline is by our own hand and we are the ones driving our own species to extinction I do not think we will be able to stop it and our part in this universe will soon come to an end.
However if we are being manipulated we can do something to slow our decline and fight to retain our humanity.
We need to begin thinking again. We need to stop believing , following and acting like mindless sheep people and begin to find our minds and strength by breaking away from those who have us drooling followers instead of thinking growing humans.
We need to research things on our own and talk to many gathering multiple opinions and view points before forming our own. We have to shake our heads and reboot our brains.
It is imperative for humans to learn quickly to use technology as tools and not as a way of life. Giving over access to a wireless world without precaution is a dangerous game that may be our doom. Consider this the next time you spend your day with a Bluetooth attached to your head day and night.
Look at your life and be honest about your disconnect with real time connection and communication with your fellow humans. Do you talk with those you love or do you sit across from them in silence while texting , tweeting or lost in some type of screen?
You can decide to restart your brain and save your humanity by breaking away from the raging lunatics found across the Internet as well as our Media systems .
Learn to think for yourself and use this great tool of the Internet to research what many have to say about a subject as well as real facts on things told to you before swallowing the rants that invade our space day in and day out.
Return to your basic needs as a human and work hard at being a thinking being and not a weak robotic follower.
I realize this article may offend many who have become lazy and lost in this world of mind numbing control .
To those who feel that way I can only hope some of us can withstand the stampede so that all mankind is not driven to extinction by our weakness and soft soaked minds broken by the control of few for reasons that benefit only a handful.
The masses are the ones who will fail unless we stop this world from the road it is traveling. It is like watching a train racing a thousand miles per hour directly in to a mountain. The explosion will be complete and no survivors will be found.
If a advanced race of humans are trying to cleanse this earth I refuse to help them. If a alien species is at the root of our control I refuse to be a willing experiment or help in the extinction of my own kind.
Whatever is happening around us I am not willing to blindly jump of that cliff nor will I walk away from my own humanity.
I have written this article under the direction and help of two people I respect who have both survived lost time abduction experiences.
They feel strongly about the warnings I have written about and wanted me to express them as clearly as I could to whoever may read this article. Their hope is that some of you will consider some of what has been written here today.
In closing I would like to make it perfectly clear I have no idea who may be controlling this planet. It can be our own stupidity that has brought us to this point or a global force of elite humans . It could be an alien species or a group of alien species. It can also be a combination of some of or all of the above.
It is clear that you and I do not have the ability to do very much about the overall issue. We do however have a great deal to say about our taking part in the game.
Control would soon flip hands if we all decided to think and be our own person as well as breaking away from the technology control used on us all. Use the tools as tools not as your way of life.
What do you think? Still want that blue tooth stuck in your ear all day?
♥ Copyright © 2008- 2010 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved
Chris Holly’s Paranormal World- http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/
Email: chrishollyufo@yahoo.com
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