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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Oregon Abduction
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Male Witch

I found this man to be very polite and easy to deal with. He was good enough to share with me what his lifestyle is like being a Traditional Male Witch.
What's the purpose of the witch practicing witchcraft?
We are all of One Universal Consciousness. Finding that and identifying with that is our most intimate experience. There are powerful immediate effects that come from recognizing this. Because we can experience firsthand that we are not separate from anything we can be aware by instinct of self-preservation. It becomes impossible for us to want to harm another. We would be harming ourselves!
What's an example of a ritual in the daily life of a Traditional Witch?
What are Witches Sabbaths?
What do witches believe about sin and the devil:
Chris Holly’s Paranormal World-
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Moveable Feasts, Mobile Slaughter

I posted this on Oregon LOWFI: Moveable Feasts, Mobile Slaughter, an item about moveable beef killing, my grandfather, and Mason jars.
Danielle Lee's The Spirit Guide
Alien Beings - Michelin Man
When I was 13 or 14 (in 1962/1963), I was at boarding school in Newbury, Berkshire, just 2 miles from Greenham Common Air Base. One day a friend decided to run away. The night she did this I was concerned for her safety and, after 'lights-out' I watched from my dormitory window. It would have been sometime after about 9.00 p.m., and I watched for a long time. I saw her go down the long drive, (at least the length of two hockey pitches), and disappear out of sight.
For some reason I stayed watching the main road that ran past the end of the school grounds. Suddenly, on the road, looking to my left, I saw a very tall figure that can only be described as a 'Michelin Man'. It must have been tall due to the distance involved, and the fact that I had such a clear view. I watched as it walked up the slope of the road to the crest of a hill, and out of sight.
I remember thinking that someone must be on their way to a fancy dress party, but how strange they didn’t go by car, and what would the other traffic on the road think of them. At the same time I didn’t actually recall seeing any traffic at all on the road; usually always busy, being a main link into, and through, the town.
The other strange thing is that although I was now feeling cold I don’t remember going back to bed. I simply remember being back in bed again. I was not asleep during this experience; it is still crystal clear and an absolute reality. I have no explanation for it.
In those days Michelin tyres may have been advertised on TV but at school we did not have TV, nor did we have TV at home so, if the advert was on I could not have seen any such advert at that time.
And the point of this blog post? To see if anyone can come forward with either an explanation, or a sighting that they too may have experienced.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bison Sacrifice, Fortean Connections
Monday, October 5, 2009
Do Guardian Angels Leave Us Signs?

Often I have listened to those who believe in the power of angels, guides and spiritual powers giving us signs when we ask for help, answers or guidance.
I have heard stories of people seeing certain birds or flowers, words or hearing sounds as a sign that those they are speaking to in different realms or dimensions hear them. I know that people exchange certain words with loved ones to use with mediums to those who have passed over to the other side.
I have known all my life that those who pray often ask to be shown a sign that they are heard or that things will be OK. I can recall my own family members asking to be given a sign that we would survive a family crisis or for a loved one to make it past a serious health issue.
I realize that this goes on all the time with people all over the world but I really did not see it happen first hand until just recently. I am beginning to think if you live long enough and pay attention to the world and people around you -eventually you will experience many things that others seem to miss. I am grateful for all my experiences and will now add this one to those I can only categorize as unknown.
I belong to a large Irish family. One of my relatives is a very spiritual woman who spends a great deal of time talking to and praying to her creator and her angels. She is strong in her relationship with those who guide her and truly feels heard and helped when she reaches out for the help of her spiritual guides.
Another member of our family was seriously ill and due to have a dangerous difficult operation. Everyone was concerned for this family member. .
A day or so before the surgery was to take place a few of my brothers and sisters along with three cousins and two aunts all went to lunch together. We were in the habit of doing this often as it was a easy way to keep the family news flowing with so many of us spread out with large families of our own.
During this lunch visit my spiritual relative told us she had been praying for our family member who was about to have his extremely dangerous operation. She told us we all had to join hands and ask those who help and guide us to look out for him as he was still needed by his family and losing him would be a tremendous tragedy. We joined hands and prayed as a family. Just before ending the request for help given out to the universe and those who look over us our spiritual relative added “ And please give us a sign today that you have heard our request and that you are there looking over our family”.
We all whispered amen and began to look over our menus to order lunch. As we sat talking about what to eat one of my brothers was nagging at another one to move out of his way from the table, as he wanted to get something out of his car. We all shoved around to let my one brother make his way from the table. He had been sitting against a wall. When he finally got free of the table and walked away his chair was left empty exposing the wall behind him. The rest of us remained glued to our menus until a cousin sitting facing the spot my brother had just moved from blurted out “Oh good God – I don’t believe it”. We all looked at her and followed her eyes, which were round stunned and looking at the spot where my brother had been sitting against the wall. There on the wall behind where my brother had been sitting was an 8x10 photo stuck on the wall of two people sitting at a picnic table. As soon as I looked at it I also murmured a loud “Oh my God!”
The rest of my family all looked closely at what we were looking at and the Oh my Gods followed around the table. We all sort of sat there a bit stunned for a few seconds. With that my brother who had gone out to his car returned and stood looking at us looking at the wall. He took a look and gave a startled loud “OH MY GOD”, of his own.
There on the wall was a picture of two people sitting at a picnic table who looked exactly like our grandparents. At first we were sure it was them. We took down the picture to examine it. It took us a few minutes to figure out if it was or wasn’t our grandmother and grandfather. The people looked exactly like our grandparents. It was simply incredible.
My spiritual relative then stood up and said “ That’s our sign- everything is going to be OK for us all for awhile” She took the photo in her hands and said to the couple in the picture “Thanks Nana and Pop- we knew you were watching over us” She then looked at us all and said, “Any questions from any of you doubting Thomas’s? We all just sort of sat there a bit shocked at the entire scenario.
Our grandparents had doubles. Exact doubles that happened to also be married to each other as our grandparents were. They also somehow just so happened to have a photo of them stuck on the wall where we were just praying to those who looked over us.
We searched the rest of the walls in the restaurant and did not find one other photo of anyone anywhere. Only that one photo was stuck on the wall behind my brother’s chair.
We took the photo with us and went back to my oldest siblings house that kept all the family photos in her attic. We wanted to check our own memories and find some old photos of our grandparents to compare to the one we found on the wall in the restaurant.
This is the really incredible part of the story in my eyes. Not only did we find a box filled with photo’s of our grandparents. We found an 8x10 of our grandparents sitting at a picnic table exactly like the couple from the restaurant. When we held both pictures side by side- they were almost identical. The people in the picture found at our table in the restaurant were doubles of our grandparents without question.
Now I know many will simply mark this up to coincidence. For me, well I gave up on chalking up lots of things to coincidence and lean more towards reason. I believe things happen as they are suppose to and that this event happened so we would know things for our family at this point in time were going to be OK.
Our sick relative recovered from his delicate surgery and he is doing well. In fact the entire family is doing well right now. I think about my grandparents and know that they were kind loving caring people who were a gift to us all. I think they heard us that day and maybe even had lunch with us at our table leaving us a sign- things would be OK.
Take from our encounter with this strange event what you will. For this woman and her family it gave us comfort, love and the knowledge that praying or asking the universe to help you or look over those you love in life works. I often talk to those who may guide me and look over me. I will also never doubt those who tell me they were given a sign or dismiss the fact that they were heard.
Remember; although our loved ones have crossed over they also may be watching us finish our tour of duty here on the big blue ball of life! I have given up my doubting Thomas status and will admit- I am a believer!
Chris Holly’s Paranormal World-
Sunday, October 4, 2009
UFO Magazine: Where are the Women?, Patrice Chaplin, Contactee Elizabeth Klarer

The current UFO magazine has an article by Women of Esoterica contributor Lesley Gunter: Where, Oh Where, Are the Women? Lesley discusses the lack of women (still!) on UFO and paranormal television programming.
Sean Casteel has an article: Patrice Chaplin's Love Affair with the City of Secrets, about author Patrice Chaplin, who is a fascinating person. Daughter in law of Charles Chaplin, author of books such as Siesta -- which was made into one of my favorite films, with Gabriel Byrne -- has an intriguing life concerning true esoterica and the Holy Grail. Her book City of Secrets: One Woman's True-life Journey to the Heart of the Grail Legend (quest Books, 2008) details her explorations in Spain and Europe into this realm of esoteric knowledge.
My article this month is about the South African contactee Elizabeth Klarer.
Other great articles in the issue as well, including Alfred Lehmberg's review (Provenance Is!) of David Cherniack's documentary UFOs: The Secret History. Stanton Friedman responds to criticisms about his research: Kimball, Smith, Bush, MJ-12, and Nick Redfern gives us the first half of a two part article: Unlocking the Real X-Files.