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Monday, February 13, 2012

Modern Book Burning: Banning Natural Medicine in Educational Institutions | Gaia Health

Modern Book Burning: Banning Natural Medicine in Educational Institutions | Gaia Health

(And some say athesism/skepticism isn't a religion...)
An Australian group of doctors and modern medical researchers call themselves Friends of Science in Medicine. They have set themselves up as the arbiters of what may or may not be taught, and what modes of treatment insurance companies may cover. To this end, they are calling for the end of alternative medicine training in universities.

Their attacks include any and all alternatives: traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic, naturopathic, and aromatherapy. What all of these therapies have in common is that they’re a threat to the chosen modality of the FOSM: often deadly conventional medicine based on Big Pharma’s toxic drugs and invasive treatments.

If they were truly confident in their field, it’s hard to believe that they’d have the slightest concern about the teaching of alternatives. Instead, they’re using jackbooted methods in an attempt to destroy the competition.

Article provides link to protest the would-be censors.

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